Rogers City begins superintendent search

by Peter Jakey, Managing Editor

The Rogers City Area Schools Board of Education has begun its search for a new superintendent.

At the recommendation of interim superintendent Don Schaedig, the board will post the position internally to see if there are any interested candidates that meet the qualifications of the job. If a viable candidate is not found, the search would expand, beginning with the workshop meeting January 26.

The vacancy in the superintendent?s office occurred when Dan Byrne was charged with a couple of criminal charges in November and placed on unpaid leave.

He pleaded guilty to one felony count of possessing child sexually abusive material Monday morning in 53rd Circuit Court. Later that evening, the board formally accepted his resignation, which he submitted December 10.

“I SENT HIM a letter and accepted that resignation,” said president Mike Marx, “but for formality purposes, I would like to do this as an action item.” The unanimous vote rewinds the clock back to two years ago when the board was just beginning the first comprehensive superintendent search in several years.

“We may have some folks that are interested in that position, I don’t know that,” said Schaedig, of the internal posting. “Then, at our January 26 workshop, we can move ahea

d with the additional search if necessary.”

Marx said, “If we have any qualified individuals who would care to be superintendent, we’ll take a good strong look at them.”

Marx said some board members have suggested using the services of the Michigan Leadership Institute (MLI), the firm that assisted them with the last search two years ago.

The company has undergone an ownership change, though. “We have the names of the individual who takes care of that now. If need be, we can find out what it could cost the district.” It cost about $4,500 in 2007.

MLI and the Michigan Association of School Boards made presentations two years ago, but the board went with MLI’s proposal.

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